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The kindest people - Students of Mysore

On our second day of Lecture, the group and I had the opportunity to have a conversation with Dr. Indira Ramarao, whom is a professor of Sociology and formerly a professor of the University of Mysore. Her lecture gave us perspective that "health is not just freedom of illness" but that there is a global relevance to it as well. That we need to look at health from a gender, economical, political, and ethical angle as well to better understand the concept of healthcare.

Dr. Indira gave us the opportunity to visit the former university where she use to teach, The University of Mysore, and built a platform for us to exchange views on how we view each other's culture. "Namaskar", which is a traditional way of greeting someone, was a new form a salutation that our new friends taught us. To my surprise, both of our cultures are similar in numerous of ways. They spoke much about the upcoming election and how strongly India as a whole is a believer that democracy is what in fact works for a nation. "Of the people, by the people, for the people" - Our new friend Pravan, had recited. Here's a snippet of how the students welcomed us to their campus today.


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